Local Florists
For your convenience, we have assembled a list of florists that serve our local area
Lake Winds Florist
4102 Pearsall St. (Breen's Shopping Plaza)
Williamson, New York 14589
P: 315-589-4899
Petal Pusher Florist
12024 E. Main St
Wolcott, New York 14590
P: 315-594-2340
The Flower Mill
90 Mason Street
Newark, New York 14513
P: 315-331-2844
Through the Garden Gate
100 W Main St
Macedon, New York 14502
P: 315-986-0990
Kittleberger Florists
263 North Ave.
Webster, NY 14580
P: 585-216-1715
Belles Fleurs By Ilene
5865 Westbury Red Creek Road
Red Creek, NY 13143
P: 315-754-6638